Learning about our sexuality and how to care for, and understand, our reproductive health is an important part of our development. As we mature, we learn more about ourselves and begin making plans for the future. We begin to learn about our sexual orientation, our identity, and whether or not we have plans for a family in the future. This discovery process is about more than being physically healthy; it’s how we learn to have respectful and healthy relationships, what kind of health services we need, and what form of contraception is appropriate for our reproductive goals.

What Do I Need To Know About Reproductive Health?

The most important thing for patients to know about reproductive health is how to practice fertility awareness. This practice means being aware of our bodies, how the menstrual cycle works, and what is and isn’t normal about this process. While most women are able to conceive, there is a significant number who struggle with fertility. Fertility awareness helps these women attempt to get pregnant and learn how to identify when they are at their most fertile. It is equally important for those seeking not to become pregnant.

If I Choose To Reproduce, When Is The Best Time To Have A Baby?

 There are multiple elements that go into deciding it’s time to have a baby. Every woman has their own priorities and idea of the ideal time to have a child, and none of these ideals are wrong. Some women wish to wait until they’ve had time for a career and education. Others want to finish their education, and still, others want to start early and be a homemaker and mother.

Outside of these personal choices, there are a number of factors that determine the best time, medically speaking, to have a baby. Women are at their most fertile and most able to produce healthy children between the ages of 20 and the mid 30s. As we move beyond this age, it becomes increasingly more difficult to have children, and certain congenital conditions may be more likely to show up.

The best time to have a baby is when you and your partner (or partners) have decided that the time is right. This is a highly personal question and isn’t one that anyone can answer for you. If reproduction is important to you, you should also speak with your physician to discuss any medical concerns that may interfere.

Questions for Your Physician About Reproduction

If you’re discussing having a baby or just want answers to help you plan for your future reproduction goals, it’s time to speak to your physician. Below are a series of questions you may want to ask during your next visit.

If you want help with family planning or determining if you can safely get pregnant and carry a baby to term, contact our offices today. Our staff will schedule a family planning appointment during which you can express your concerns and get answers about your medical health. Our clinic has been proud to help women build the lives and families they’ve always dreamed of, and we’re available to help you.

Altavida Obgyn - Online Booking
Choose Type of Visit:


  • Obstetrics and Maternity
  • Gynecological Issues
  • Well Women Exams
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation
  • Incontinence Treatment
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Pelvic Floor Therapy
  • Medical Weight Loss


  • Morpheus Face and Neck – RF Microneedling
  • Injectables (Dysport, Botox, Restylane, and Sculptra)
  • Transform – Non-Invasive Body Contouring
  • Lumecca – IPL, Dark Spot Removal
  • Diolaze – Laser Hair Removal